Almost all countries in the world are in a certain stage of lockdown. A good decision in order to protect the health of as many people as possible. At the same time, it poses serious challenges for many businesses. But, entrepreneurs would not be entrepreneurs if they would not come up with creative business ideas, even, or just because of, these times of social distancing!
We share here an umber of tips that we have seen developed by proactive entrepreneurs, and we hope that you will share yours, for example in the comments. Sharing and cooperating will help us all in surviving this crisis. Especially for those entrepreneurs working in food or other vital products and services, it will not only be important to continue the business for the business itself, but also for everyone dependent on your products.
1. Selling vouchers (with discount), that can be used when businesses open up again. This provides some cashflow to pay running costs.
2. Cooperation between entrepreneurs, who compile packages with different products that are delivered to doorsteps.
3. Foundations or affluent individuals give money to local businesses with the goal to have these local businesses provide food to poor families. This way the businesses as well as the poor families profit!
4. Finally setting up the web shop that was postponed all the time, start selling through Facebook or Instagram, or use an existing platform to promote and sell products.
5. Take the opportunity to execute necessary maintenance and be ready when businesses open up.
6. Make use of courier services to receive raw materials and bring products to customers.
7. Work on the design of new packaging or marketing materials.
8. Becoming familiar with ways of online communication, meetings, learning and teaching.
9. Becoming familiar with and making the most out of using mobile money.
10. Use your machines or processing skills to make products that can be used to fight the crisis.Fashion designers are now making face masks, and breweries are producing hand sanitiser. What can you do?
Let us know how you deal with the challenges!