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Reviving Brilliant Entrepreneur in Uganda

Karen Kammeraat
September 9, 2024

One of our founders was in Kampala this month, and we are excited to tell you about the co-creation meeting around women entrepreneurship that happened, based on our Talent-in-Business approach.

Long lasting impact

A decade ago, we introduced our Talent-in-Business approach in Uganda, helping entrepreneurs build stronger businesses by focusing on personal development and goal-setting. Today, we’re proud to see that the majority of those participants have substantially grown their businesses, a testament to the long-lasting impact of this approach.Two alumni of this group approached us half a year ago. They are both active for AWEP (African Women Entrepreneurship Program) and they wish to get Brilliant Entrepreneur back to Uganda. It is clear that the program has along-lasting impact, which is why there is renewed interest in our approach.

There are many incubators, accelerators and other business development services in Uganda, but none of them focuses on the person of the entrepreneur, on self-reflection and setting (personal) targets like we do. We believe focus on the person is important, since without her the business would not exist. Knowing your talent, strengths and weaknesses helps to run the business in the best possible way.

Many interested parties in Uganda

So, Winnie and Grace  of AWEP organized a co-creation breakfast meeting on 4 September to introduce Talent-in-Business and their plans with it. Three women entrepreneurs who participated ten years ago gave strong testimonials. Fortunately, Karen was in Kampala at that time and could present and be part of the great meeting! The meeting had a good turn-out of 40 people, among which representatives of banks, funding organizations, implementing organizations, consultants and of course women entrepreneurs.

The person behind the entrepreneur

The discussions were very lively and new connections were made. All agreed that it would be good to pay more attention to the person behind the entrepreneur, as this is indeed missing. We will have follow-up discussions to make concrete how we can integrate the Talent-in-Business approach in women entrepreneurship programs, and how we can anchor the approach in the Ugandan ecosystem. We are very much looking forward to return to Uganda and to start a local Brilliant Entrepreneur movement there!

Click here to read what the benefits of the Talent-in-Business approach are for you as an entrepreneur, and here to find out what the benefits are for programs that support women entrepreneurs. For more information,you can always reach out to us.